LANS Fundation | Contact us | Español



LANS, SA de CV provides advice on the benefits and requirements of the private interest foundations; the constitution of private interest foundations, at the same time provides advice once the foundation is constituted and registered in the public registry.


Specific characteristics of the goods or services.
Functions performed by the operating parties.
Contractual conditions.
Market economic circumstances
Business strategies
Our study will lead us to conclude, if there are adjustments or not, regarding the way in which VAT and Income Tax are being paid for transactions carried out with Related Subjects, for which we will carry out the following work:

  1. We will develop an economic and financial analysis of the companies subject to. study and if it is applicable in the circumstances of the case to the Related Subjects and its comparability with the Independent subjects
  2. We will verify the accounting and tax management of operations with Related Parties and the tax effects of related operations, in light of the Income Tax and VAT Law
  3. ETC.